Hi, I’m Heather LeFevre.

I had constant shoulder and hip pain for years and spent a lot of money and time chasing relief.

And I have a rather obsessive, dog-on-a-bone personality toward solving problems.

Ultimately, a few movement methods and bodywork modalities got me out of pain, and improved my posture and physical strength.

Movement and bodywork have also supported me as a way to release stress as I’ve worked to find the healthy rituals that work best for me and have helped heal my gut microbiome.

I invest my time across several types of work including as a researcher, brand strategist, facilitator, teacher, speaker, and writer as well as a hands-on manual therapist practicing CranioSacral therapy and barefoot massage.

Why subscribe?

I’ve never researched anything as deeply as modalities to improve my health.

When I went to massage school and we talked about working with elders, the teacher said, “you’ll meet all sorts of elders, from frail to robust.”

This was a lightbulb moment.

Who wants to be frail?

And yet, lots of companies get rich as they actively direct our path toward frail.

That’s the culture we swim in.

Where we make choices every day that impact our health.

This publication is designed to share insights from my research and personal experience in hopes that they help you on your health journey toward a robust future.

I believe all people deserve to feel as healthy and vibrant as is possible in their bodies.

Robust Choices are the doable and (mostly) fun choices that assist the body to reverse chronic health issues and build up wellness resilience.

To make the robust choice, we need to build our understanding of how our own body works.

We need to know that the robust choice is often a counter-culture choice.

My objective is never to tell anyone what to do or what is “best.” There’s no such thing.

My objective is to guide others to discover what is best for them and support their autonomy. And hopefully make you laugh by sharing some of the things I’ve experimented with in seeking to “feel well.”

Robust Choices drips out weekly with sanity breaks here and there.

Subscribe to Robust Choices

All people deserve to feel healthy and vibrant in their bodies. Robust Choices are the doable and (mostly) fun choices that assist the body to reverse chronic health issues and build up wellness resilience.


Creative Brand and Well-being Strategist. Author of Brain Surfing. Came up through top agencies, now free-agent consultant working with top brands around the world. Got out of chronic pain with movement and bodywork. I practice those, too.